Can I sit for the sonography registry upon graduation from SMAHE?

Yes. If you enter the program under prerequisite number 1 or 2 (bachelors degree or two year allied health degree), then you can sit for either the ARDMS or CCI national registry. If you enter the program under prerequisite number 3 (high school graduate with specific college classes) then you must take and pass the Cardiovascular Credentialing, International RVS registry PRIOR to being able to sit for the ARDMS registry.

Are SMAHE’s programs programmatically accredited by CAAHEP?

No. Accreditation for SMAHE would be very expensive. If SMAHE was accredited by CAAHEP, that cost would have to be passed on to the student. Right now the tuition cost of our 18 month program is $9000. With accreditation, the tuition would increase to more than $40,000.

Does the fact that SMAHE’s programs are not programmatically accredited by CAAHEP keep me from taking the ARDMS or CCI registry?

Again, if a student is accepted under prerequisite #1 or #2 (bachelors degree or two year allied health degree), then the graduated can sit for the ARDMS registry upon graduation. Students that enter the program under prerequisite #3 (high school graduate with specific college classes), then graduates must take and pass the Cardiovascular Credentialing, International (CCI) RVS registry before they can take the ARDMS registry. It is possible for students to take the CCI registry PRIOR to graduating from the program.

Do I have to graduate before I can take the ARDMS SPI (Physics) registry?

No. Once you complete the SMAHE physics class with a grade of a C or better, then you can make application for the ARDMS SPI exam.

Do I have to log more clinical time after graduation before I can sit for the registry?

No. All your clinical time is complete and no more clinical time is required to take the registry.

Can I begin classes without having a clinical site?

No. SMAHE must approve the clinical site prior to starting classes.